zaterdag 3 juli 2010


Kingdom of Morocco is a state situated in the far west of North Africa with its capital, Rabat, Casablanca, its largest city, which is the economic capital, and most important cities: Fez, Marrakech, Meknes, Tangier, Agadir, Tetouan, and Jeddah. Morocco, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the west flanking the Strait of Gibraltar; bordered by Algeria and the south east Mauritania. In the tape, a narrow sea separating Spain and Morocco 3 Claid Ispainp are: Ceuta, Melilla, and rock Comair.

Morocco is a member of the Arab League, Arab Maghreb Union and the Organization of the Islamic Conference since 1969; the International Organization of la Francophonie since 1981, a group the Mediterranean Dialogue since 1995, the Group of Seventy-seven since 2003, North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally President abroad, since 2004, and then the Union for the Mediterranean.

And Morocco are the only African country that is not a member of the African Union replaced the Organization of African Unity, which withdrew from Morocco in 1984 for refusing to recognize its sovereignty over Western Sahara, but it has a special place in the Union: take advantage of the services offered by the EU, as a group African Bank for development, but that Commissioners Moroccans involved, important functions in the Union.

Historically, the impact of Morocco a major impact in the region of the Maghreb and Andalusia; The old boundaries extended to the Iberian Peninsula to the north, and the Senegal River to the south.


Tourism plays an important role in the economy of Morocco, where is the core of the services sector in Morocco, which is available on the road network and Skkip to a length of 59 474 km and 1813 km, are the most important international airports in all of Casablanca, Rabat, Fez, Agadir, Marrakech, Tangier, Oujda and eyes. Is also based in all the most important ports of Casablanca, Mohammedia, Kenitra, Tangier, Dakhla and Nador and Agadir.

There Morocco many World Heritage sites: the archeological site of Volubilis, Palace Ait Ben Haddou, Mazagan (new), the ancient city of Essaouira, the ancient city of Fez, the ancient city of Marrakech, the ancient city of Tetouan, the historic city of Meknes, cultural space of the Jamaa El Fna, the city Tangier and the city of Tan-Tan.

Welcome to Morocco

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